DVBCN数字电视中文网 | 2015-07-10 10:54
7月10日,由DVBCN&AsiaOTT与Informa、长城会联合主办的2015虚拟运营峰会已经进入第二天。会上,Simpl World Telecom首席执行官&创始人 Thomas Brandt-Knudsen作了题为“如火如荼有效降低漫游成本”的演讲。
In 10th July, the 2015 MVNO Summit held by DVBCN&AsiaOTT, Informa and GWC has enterd the second day. During the summit, the founder&CEO of Simpl World Telecom---Thomas Brandt-Knudsen made a speech entitled “Dramatically Reducing the Cost of Roaming”

图为:Simpl World Telecom首席执行官&创始人 Thomas Brandt-Knudsen
据Thomas 介绍,Simpl名字的含义就是希望给市场的用户提供一个简单、便捷的沟通和交流。
According to Thomas’s introduction ,the mean of name “Simpl”is to  provide a simple and fast communication method for the subscribers in the market.
The populaton of Denmark is 6 million to 7 million. That’s only a drop in the bucket, compared with China.Simpl is a MVNO in the TDC network. And TDC is the biggest network in Denmark. Its market share is over 99%. In other words,4G service is available in over 99% area in the market.
Simpl是在2014年5月成立的,在2014年的11月的时候、也就是成立之后6个月的 时候获得全面的执照,之后就开始运营了。
Simpl was founded in May 2015. 6 months later, it accquired all permition and licences and started to operate.
Thomas 表示,丹麦的常住人口至少每年要做两年以上的国际旅行,对于这样的 国际旅行的需求的人来讲,他们漫游的费用是很大的一块,因此对于顾客和客户 来讲,这个漫游费用是他们成本中很重要的一块。另外,很多丹麦的公司,目前还没有漫游的政策,比如用户去其他国家,就没有办法进行漫游。例如,员工漫游费用占整个公司的通信费用比例高达95%,对于经常出游的员工来讲漫游费用是非常高的。
Thomas expressed, resident population of Denmark would have a 2-year international travel every 3 years. The roaming cost is a big part for who has a great requirement on international travel. And the roaming cost is very important for many customers. On the other hand , many MVNOs in Denmark doesn’t have roaming policy. For example, the roaming cost of employee who always had international travel accounted for 95% of cost of communication in the entire firm.
还有一种情况,有些旅游人员可能需要带很多的SIM卡,现在大家可能拥有一张 以上的SIM是非常常见的事情。但是因为SIM卡很小,经常会弄丢,这也是一些旅行者经常反映的问题。

There is also another situation, some travelers may have more SIM cards. And it’s very common to own more than one SIM card for everyone. But the SIM card is too small to keep them safely. That’s a common problem that travelers complained about.

However, the roaming charges is still the biggest problem for users. According to a report published by European Union, 47% travelers would close the function of roaming data, even they were traveling inside Europe. And 92% travelers would limit the usage of traffic data, because of high roaming charges.

现在新的欧盟委员会的规定是希望降低在欧盟国家之内的漫游的费用,然后在几 年之内希望彻底地来把这个漫游费用降到零。Thomas认为,这是一个非常好的举措,能够让欧盟为所有的国家都建立了一个公正公开的市场。

The new European Commission wish to reduce the roaming charges in European Union. And they also plan to drop the roaming charges to zero. Thomas thought that’s a great measure and it would help EU to build a  open and justice market


Thomas expressed, he also found another tend. The roaming charges outside the EU may have a tend of increasing,because of the roaming charges was reduced inside the EU. So it’s a rapier, we need to seriously consider the issue of the roaming billing design.


What did Simpl see and do in this situation.

首先,Simpl 有一个普通的常用的SIM卡,然后在SIM卡上做了一个安装的小的软件。比方说这个客户在北京开了机,他就能够自动识别你在北京可以自动地选择一个最为合适的漫游的套餐,在欧盟国家之外一共有170个国家的目的地和地区都可以来使用Simpl 的漫游的这些套餐,基本上已经遍布了全球。而且Simpl 提供的价格,应该比95%的全球的虚商所提供的价格都比较低,这也是我们感到非常引以为豪的一点。

 Firstly , Simpl has a common SIM card, and it could be installed with a small software. For example, if a user turned on his phone in Beijing. And the card would automaticly recognize his position and choose a most fitful roaming plan. There are 170 country and areas



Secondly,all of MVNOs are facing a same market, similar problem, same challenge, the chance of cooperation is bigger than competition. There are 45 MVNOs in Denmark, and two of them has united their network. And their customers are about 250 thousand.  But a small customer base can not support all these MVNOs to exist and develop. They must find more customers outside the Denmark. At present, most market share was held by traditional MNOs, accounted for 70%. Therefore, MVNOs must combine and strengthen cooperation no matter domestic and international.


再次,Simpl 联合一些合作伙伴共同设计了一个平台,能够应用Simpl 下一代的SIM卡,能够把跨国的这些服务都集中起来。例如,可以集中西班牙和丹麦的虚商的网络,假设说有一个西班牙的客户,既拥有西班牙的号码、也拥有丹麦的号码,两个号码同时有,而且收费的标准都是当地的标准。

On the other hand, Simpl has joint some partners to design a platform. It could be adoped in the next generation SIM card and it contains all kinds of international service. For instance, if the networks of Spain and Denmark were combined, a Spain customer could both have 2 phone numbers from Spain and Denmark. And the charge standard is still local standard.


最后,Simpl已经在全球有了超过300个运营商的合作伙伴。例如说西班牙的虚商可能也会受到基础运营商给他们的漫游成本限制,但是与Simpl签署的协议就可以规避掉这一点。Thomas 现场呼吁中国虚商连入到Simpl平台当中。

At last, Simpl has over 300 partners of operator. For example, the MVNOs in Spain may have roaming cost limit from MNOs, they could avoid it by signing agreements with Simpl.Finally, Thomas also urged Chinese MVNOs to join the platform of Simpl.

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强化五一假期效应 虹魔方发力大屏运营